Gotlandschips produce kettle-fried potato chips on potatoes which have grown only a few miles from the production site. The production is 100% fossil-free and circular meaning there is no waste in production – everything is reused. For example, potato-chips that does not meet quality standard do either end up heating our workplace or is recycled to become new biofuel that heats our fryer.
Gotlandschips established in 2018 by the siblings Oliver and Emelie, then 21 and 23 years old. They had a deep will to refine the Gotland potato, and to do so in a completely sustainable and fossil-free production. With classic flavors as Sea Salt (vegan), Dill & Chives (vegan), Sourcream & spring onion and Truffle & Parmesan soon the first sustainably produced kettle-fried potatochips from Gotland were born.
Today you can buy Gotlandschips all over Sweden, and in Iceland and Germany as well. We are always looking for new opportunities to spread the taste of Gotland, feel free to contact us for more information anytime.

Gotlandschips AB
Stånga Bosarve 247
SE-62360 Stånga