Virtue, decadence and Renée
To be a consumer is not easy. Wanting to eat in step with your time but discovering that time is out of step with itself. In one moment, the public mood emphasises sustainability and responsibility, in the next it preaches unscrupulous indulgence. Climate change anxiety and health stress on Tuesday, a meat feast on Saturday. It’s no surprise that study after study diagnoses consumers as having a split personality and a purchasing complex.
Renée Voltaire refuses to succumb to any of these pitfalls. Our approach is organic and plant-based, but also fun and innovative when it comes to flavours and design. Renée experiments and cooks at home in Stockholm, while the raw materials and inspiration come from all around the world. We keep meticulous track of every ingredient and have no intention of ever evolving into an industry. Yet we offer more than 150 items with around 50 new additions every year.

We refuse to compromise. Life is too long not to eat sustainably – and too short to not indulge occasionally. This is why we are trying to build a better world with knives and forks, a world that is in step with itself.
Renée Voltaire AB – the company
Fifty innovators, inspirers and world improvers
Renée Voltaire AB is a company with over 50 employees, with customers across the Nordic region as well as in Estonia, and with supplier partners around the world. Since the company started in 2005 it has been fully owned and managed by Renée Voltaire, the happy rebel of health food who challenges conventions in category after category.
The company exists for one reason: To build a better world with knives and forks. That’s why we get out of bed every morning to make it easier and more enjoyable for people to live a sustainable and healthy life. This mission leads to around 50 plant-based product innovations every year.
Two strong legs and brands
Renée Voltaire AB comprises two powerful brands: Renée Voltaire with close to 200 plant-based organic products including frozen. And Pepstop with over 100 fresh and frozen all-vegan products.
Renée Voltaire
seeks out new trends and products from around the world in order to challenge our traditions with plant-based and organic alternatives. The current assortment is divided into over 20 categories: Baking, Beverage, Body Care, Books, Bread, Breakfast, Coffee, Confectionery, Cooking, Crackers, Frozen, Health, Ice Cream, Intimate Hygiene, Kitchen Tools, Nutritional Supplements, Seasoning, Small Batches, Snacks, Spreads and Tea. All products, production methods and packaging should meet our sustainability philosophy.
makes it easy to shop for and instantly enjoy food in its purest form – organic, unprocessed, 100% vegan, and absolutely free from additives. Pepstop started in 2015 and has three physical stores in Stockholm: Riddargatan in Östermalm, Slöjdgatan at Hötorget and Birger Jarlsgatan in Vasastan. And, of course, the digital store Pepstop also arranges exercise and inspiration events under the names PepCamp and PepTalk.

Renée Voltaire AB
Ostmästargränd 2,
120 40 Årsta, Stockholm,
+ 46 8 717 40 40