Board of Directors

Industry representation

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Magnus Schöldtz

Elected in June 2019.

Current assignment: Senior Advisor, Wallenberg Foundations AB

Other assignments: The committee for Expo 2020 in Dubai.
Previous assignments: Ambassador, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Education: Bachelor of Arts and Stanford Executive Programme.

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Johan Söderström

Acting Chairman of the board
Born 1962. Elected in July 2022.
Region Manager, Europe, the Middle East & Africa, Hitachi Energy. Other: Honorary Doctorates in Technology and Engineering from Uppsala University and Linköping University.

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Anna Stellinger

Born in 1974. Elected in July 2020. Head of International and EU Affairs at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.

Other assignments: Board member of Swedfund.

Other: Knight of the French National Order of Merit, by decree of the President of France.

Previous assignments: Former Director General of the National Board of Trade Sweden and Director of the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (Sieps). Board member of Lund University for seven years, the last three of which as Vice Chairman of the board.

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Peter Cerny

Elected in July 2022.

Current assignment: CEO ESBE Group.

Other assignments: Member of the Board BE-GE Företagen AB, Member of the Board Proton Group AB.

Education: Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management, Linköping University.

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Anna-Lena Öberg-Högsta

Born 1968. Elected in July 2023.
CEO WSP Sweden & WSP Nordics
Other: PhD and associate professor in geotechnical engineering.

Government representation

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Anna Karin Hatt

Born 1972. Elected in June 2019.
CEO, Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF)

Other assignments: Chairman of the board LRF Media AB, Chairman of the board Co-operatives Sweden, Chairman of Sigill Kvalitetssystem. Vice Chair of Svensk Kooperation, Vice Chair ICC Sweden.

Previous assignments:CEO for Almega (the Employers’ Organisation for the Swedish Service Sector), Minister of ICT and Energy and Minister of ICT and Regional Affairs in the Swedish Government.

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Marie Nilsson

Born in 1964. Elected in July 2018.
Chairman of IF Metall

Other assignments: The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, Nordic IN, Industri All Europe executive committee, Industri All Global, Teknikcollege in Sweden. Member of Nationella godstransportrådet (The national freight transport council) and The committee for Expo 2020 in Dubai.

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Per Westerberg

Born 1951. Elected in June 2017.

Other assignments: Member of the Board of Almi Företagspartner Stockholm-Sörmland, Fundler AB, AB Vaktslottet, Statens Inspektion för underrättelseinhämntning (SIUN), the Export Control Council and the disciplinary committee of the Swedish Bar Association.

Previous assignments: Speaker of the Riksdag, Minister for Enterprise and Innovation, chairman of the Enterprise and Innovation Committee, chairman of the Environment and Agriculture Committee, member of the Riksdag.

Staff representation

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Helena Barrantes Carlsson

Born 1975. Elected in November 2020.
Program Manager Export Promotion. Employed at Business Sweden since 2006.


Kaveh Farebrant

Born 1981. Elected in December 2022.
Program Manager. Employed at Business Sweden since March 2022.