MaxxECU, the Swedish engine control unit (ECU) development company, aspired to expand their business to America. They knew that they had technical skills needed to succeed, but it would be a huge challenge to gain relevant market knowledge and find suitable distributors in this new market.
To increase their chances of success, MaxxECU participated in Business Sweden’s business development program Steps to Export (now known as Online Steps to Export). Thanks to the support from Business Sweden, MaxxECU made a fast and profitable entrance, and the company is now planning further development in the United States, as well as South America and Europe.
MaxxECU was born out of a desire to create something better. Dissatisfied with the existing supply of ECU systems, Natanael Ceder and Anders Svanberg founded the company in 2009.
Business Sweden’s consultants have shown remarkable local market experience, and we can call them to get advice whenever we need it.With innovative products and advanced technical skills, MaxxECU set its sights on the country where it all happens in the motorsport car industry: America. However, breaking into this coveted market would pose many challenges. The American market has a huge number of established industry actors, and it would be difficult to find customers willing to try something new.
“In Sweden we have a reputable brand, but American consumers are choosy and used to their own products,” says Rolf Svanberg, Maxx ECU’s CEO. “We are tech savvy and have a credible product, but we knew that we needed help to develop an effective business strategy.”
Through Business Sweden’s guidance with a local business developer, the company developed extensive market risk analyses and produced action plans. Texas, Florida, and California were identified as the most suitable markets in terms of customer demand and partners.

MaxxECU also collaborated with Business Sweden USA, which gave them access to an extensive contact network. A number of tested distributors were selected for meetings with the aim of establishing long-term partnerships.
Rolf explains how Business Sweden’s services helped them to establish MaxxECU quickly and efficiently: “Business Sweden’s values are professionalism and availability. Without their support, the expansion would have taken significantly longer, if we had made it at all. Their consultants have shown remarkable local market experience, and we can call them to get advice whenever we need it.”
Today, MaxxECU is working closely with three US distributors. To meet the demand of American consumers, the company has expanded its product range and raised its technical development level. The efforts have been worth it: Sales rates on the new market are growing fast, the targeted sales volume of 200 units per month has been reached, and the year-to-date growth is 113 percent.
“Our international sales are spreading like rings on water, just as planned,” Rolf concludes.
MaxxECU develops and sells engine control systems for motorsport cars including drag racers and time attack vehicles. The company was founded in 2009 by Natanael Ceder and Anders Svanberg, and is the largest ECU producer in the Nordic countries today.
In 2018, growth rates are expected to take off with further development in the USA, Latin America, Europe and China.